Healed Hearts Through Solitary Promises, LLC

                                    Sheila Sudano
                      42398 W. Chimayo Dr.
                                     Maricopa, AZ
                                    520 866-9587
                                   646 250-2092
ECM - Early Childhood Autism Specialized
RBD - Room & Board Developmental Child & Adult
HBA - Habilitation Developmental Foster Care
Healed Hearts, Through Solitary Promises
Specializing In -
Foster Care Placement Agency for Children and Adults with Developmental Disabilities
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Healed Hearts, LLC, (Through Solitary Promises), Offers HCBS Services for children and Adults with Disabilities the opportunity to "Get to feel the real love" that true quality care has to offer!
We understand that what is going on in these troublesome times affects all of us and especially those ones displaced and in need of support.
Healed Hearts is specifically looking for those of you whom really understand what it means to have a self-sacrificing spirit with truthful heart whose resolve is to join our loving, compassionate team where together we not only support 100% our members, but we support and respect each other as a wholesome family unit!

Services Discription:

Autism is a developmental disorder that affects social and communication skills. There are three different levels of Autism, which will range from mild to severe. Autism is a spectrum disorder that causes social and behavioral problems, and although sings of the condition are usually present at a young age, occasionally people do not receive a diagnosis until later in life. Levels are assigned depending on the severity of the symptoms, see more information on "Services" Page.

Room and Board Developmental is a 24-hour day service that provides for a safe and healthy living environment that meets the physical needs of an individual.
Habilitation Developmental Foster Care services provide a variety of interventions designed to maximize the functioning of persons with developmental disabilities. Services may include, but are not limited to: habilitative therapies, special developmental skills, behavior intervention and sensorimotor development.  

Healing Beginings:
As Founder and parent, I'll never forget the sinking feeling that was felt when the time came for when my small child would need to be entrusted in the hands of someone when husband and I needed child care.  Frightening to say the least of our feelings not knowing who we could trust outside of family that would be honest in the type of trustworthy loving and attentive care that was essential for our child.
It's no simply task when caring for others for instance daily mundane things are not the full elements that make up for true care.  It is total attentiveness, caring for ALL of the needs of those who cannot attain for themselves true quality life sustaining care.

Emotional support, mental stimulation, knowing our members on a personal level by talking to them, teaching in a way that they personally learn, patience and kindness in a demeanor where they can really feel self-sacrificing love.

With its many facets of care,   Healed Hearts, is very generous in the kind of giving that doesn't quit. Our staff are fine tuned in conjunction with our mission written statement; “Get the Job Done Correctly; with Love and Compassion as an antidote in a prescription written for success for our members”.

Come Join our Team:
Let’s do the right thing together!  People need us, so why not commit yourself to helping those who want the same thing we all want, simple dependable LOVE!




Sheila Sudano
CEO, Founder
Phone: 646 250-2092
Healed Hearts, Through Solitary Promises, LLC.
Sheila Sudano

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